Treqen Ultralight Collapsible Shock Absorbent Nordic Walking Trekking Hiking Poles with Strong 7075 Aluminum, Quick Flip Locks, and Accessories for Any Backpacking, Outdoor, or Urban Hiking Adventure
The sleek silver high quality Treqen hiking poles are made from lightweight, aircraft-grade aluminum. Our hiking poles work for people who walk around the park or who do multi-day long distance hikes alike because of their light weight and durability.
We are a small hobbyist outdoor gear business based in Oakland, California since 2017. We have tested our poles for walks around the block and also major hikes in California and South Africa.
Bring them along for trekking, camping, skiing, walks around the block, or general support around the home. They are sleek and perfectly usable by young and old. You will get hooked on using them once you try them out!
Alleviate unnecessary pressure on your knees, ankles, feet and joints
Create a workout for your arms and burn more calories
Use as leverage while climbing uphill and to prevent slipping while going downhill
Maintain balance and increase traction
Each pole set comes with the following versatile accessories:
1 pair of snow baskets per set
1 pair of mud baskets per set to help prevent sinking in soft ground coverings
1 pair of fitness/nordic walking tips per set for helping to burn more calories
1 pair of rubber asphalt tips per set
1 pair of rubber tips per set for regular hiking and transportation
1 connector clip per set for storage
- ?? DURABLE & LIGHTWEIGHT: We’ve made our poles from high grade aluminum 7075. Each pole weighs 9.5 Oz and they come in a set of 2, good for beginners and experienced hikers. They’re easy to bring along with on backpacking trips and check-in luggage.
??? FLEXIBLE: Our poles expand from 25.5 inches (64.5cm) to 53 inches (135.5cm), suitable for kids and adults of varying heights, young and old. Height markings make for easy adjustments while you’re out and about. Accessories for all season use (springtime hikes to wintertime light snowshoeing adventures)
SOLID: The tungsten carbide tips under rubber tips hold sturdy for more uneven terrain and longer hikes
ERGONOMIC: The handles provide a comfortable grip while your exercise. No more sweaty hands slipping on poles. They also come with wide & padded adjustable wrist straps
RESILIENT: The strong external locks ensure that poles hold steady while extended.