Deluxe Nautical Knot Tying Kit – Waterproof Nautical Knot Guide, 6″ Boat Cleat, Jute & Poly Ropes – Master 21 Sailing & Boating Knots with This Nautical Rope Knot Kit

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DELUXE NAUTICAL KNOT TYING KIT: This bundle contains a detailed chart of nautical rope knots, a 6” horn cleat, a 7’ length of jute rope, & a 25’ length of poly rope.
NAUTICAL KNOT REFERENCE CHART: It’s a nautical rope knot instruction book on a rugged & waterproof plastic card. Standard 8.5×11″ size with three holes for placing in a binder in your sailboat.
BOAT CLEAT: Full-size (6 inch) nylon dock cleat. The horns are perfect for practicing the cleat hitch and midshipman’s hitch, while the center opening can be used to practice the other hitch knots.
JUTE ROPE: A 7 foot length of this classic, natural sailing & boating rope is great for practicing hitch knots with the cleat.
POLY ROPE: A 25 foot length of synthetic boat rope give your plenty of material to tie bend and loop knots. We’ve made it easy, just tie the knot you want to practice, then cut it off if you find it too difficult to untie.
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